Ever wish you could just stop being aware of your personal transformation?
There was a point, perhaps before your first self-help book, or that conversation with a friend, or the TED talk, or the Opera show, where you were just happy as you were.
You didn’t know about egos or personal goals; you could find happiness in a cupcake, before you knew the harmful effects of sugar on the brain. When all you had to do was get a good job and go on a few holidays.
There is always another ‘growth opportunity’, not just a problem you can have a moan and a sulk about. You have to be positive – sunny side up!
I know my Facebook page is tailored to like-minded thinkers, who post about personal transformation stuff. Yet, don’t you think it would just be nice to be like those other friends, who are just living rather than growing?
Growing is exhausting, because the thing about it is, you never stop, it’s never enough and it doesn’t lead to a resting place of happiness. No amount of spiritual growth will lead to a spiritual bypass of pain when a loved one dies, or a lack of shame when you feel you are failing.
Personal development sucks!
Yep, this is my last lifetime around folks, apart from the fact that I secretly hope it’s not! Because I would miss the sunlight on my face, the wind buzzing past my ears as I fly downhill on my bike. I would miss dog licks and flirting with baristas over lattes. I would miss dark clouds and rain that give way to rainbows. All of this still exists whilst I am putting the effort into being the best person I can be.
Personal development sucks!
You are always pushing through layer upon layer laid down in your childhood, conditioning, discovering, surrendering, until one day you reach a place where you learn that the only thing you had to do this whole time was accept.
Accept who you are. Accept who other people are. And accept that without the raindrops, we don’t get rainbows.
That everything, including you, has a meaning and at the same time, absolutely no meaning at all.
So stop trying so hard, and be more dog. Get yourself a few ear rubs, be happy to greet everyone with a wag and take each day as it comes.