A few years ago I set up a company with a friend called Open Beyond. When the recession hit we were watching many of our friends who were coaches and the like struggle. I was also struggling, I went from an easy successful business to having to learn how to market myself. I hated it!
You see, self development is a luxury item when survival has to come first for people.
Open beyond was a platform to help people in the self-development industry create an income from on-line courses. But we were ahead of our time, and many people didn’t believe on-line education would be as good as workshops. Well the workshop bums on seats got skinny and many places were offering two bums for the price of one.
Open beyond folded when Microsoft did an up grade and the system we were using became too down grade!
Now everyone is into on-line education. I love it and I have loved it for years. I have now got a new platform with lots of bells and whistles and I am launching my ‘Get clear on your book idea’ six part course next week. This is the first of a tumbling of ideas, not just for will be authors, but all sorts of topics I can present cost effectively as I’m not paying room hire!
It has been a really big learning curve doing all the tech and editing myself. You see these things on-line for example Marie Forleo’s ‘Marie TV’ and it looks easy. So I thought I would share with you some of the things that can go wrong in filming. Just for the fun of it ;)