As the Christmas lights are being turned on, does your brilliance get turned off over Christmas?
When you go back to visit your family over Christmas, do you find that no matter who you are, or what amazing things you have achieved, your family are still stuck in a time warp about your identity? Do they still treat you the same as when you were a surly teenager, living at home with them. What’s worse, do you often find yourself acting like a teenager about it?
It’s not just the holiday season that can leave us feeling out of touch with our authentic identity.
The many roles we have to play in life are us really stepping into a character. It might not be who we are, but who we need to be to get the job done. This can leave us feeling a little fragmented as we jump from one role to another.
Most of us rate our identity based upon our achievements. If we are growing, evolving, then we have a sense that we are doing something right in our lives. Often it doesn’t take much to get that sense of growth. One step towards doing something that causes a shift can be enough.
We get a sense of identity often from people around us, but it is really how you feel about yourself which is the most important thing.
So in the run up to Christmas, think about the roles you play in life.
Which ones would you like to play better?
Which ones would you like to leave behind?
Which ones can you feel authentic in?
What could you do in the New Year to bring on that sense of pride growth in your identity?
Let’s have a chat about it, leave your comments below and I’ll give you some extra tips about how you can feel more comfortable being you in every situation you find yourself in.