Home is where the heart is, or in my case where the heart leads… and the dog follows!
I’ve had an amazing time while living in San Francisco, someone asked me in the laundrette whilst doing the washing, what I got out of the past 17 months living in San Francisco. These things are so hard to put into words. A whole new passion, some fantastic new friends, a degree and an addiction to ice cream. Now I’m on my way to New York. So, here I am again – I’ve given away all my ‘things’ that have found their way to me while I’ve been living here (including the oh so beautiful bed I got in a half price second hand shop sale), and I’m off – to start again and to see where the heart carries me this time.
I’m looking forward to New York, and again people ask me about my plans, are you moving to NYC permanently? Can anyone answer that stuff? Sometimes to make plans is to limit being open to possibility. It often comes from a need to control out comes. I’m just open to seeing that happens. I have never been to New York!
Of course there are practical things to consider, the Dog, the US Government, earning a living, where to live, but you know when you follow your heart, these things have a funny way of letting you know what you really need. When you follow your mind, your ego ties you up in notes of fear. All I know if that I don’t know and it feels great!