I offer a series of workshops and talks to help leaders/teams and organisations activate and implement powerful change. The goal is to help make lasting, meaningful, positive change within the personal power of individuals and therefore across any team or organisation.
I work ‘one on one’ with individuals. I give seminars and talks at universities and I go into business to give training and coaching to teams, and I also lecture at conferences and give webinars.
Training includes:
Emotional Resilience
Emotional Intelligence
Dynamic Public Speaking
Dealing With Difficult People
Media, Theatre, Radio Film and Television students at universities, drama schools and colleges
More than any other industry, the entertainment industry and be the most fun and yet there’s an emotional aspect to it. Your emotional and mental wellbeing isn’t often considered. After all ‘The show must go on’. You’re responsible for your own wellbeing. From crazy hours in production week, dealing with difficult people, tough show content, insecure earnings, production fails, and having to say goodbye at the end of a run, you have to be emotionally resilient to have a healthy career. This starts with you having good habits as a student.
Reviews from students:
What ‘light bulb’ moments did you get from the coaching?
Creative dealing with people. I’ve tried yet why this may have been difficult and not working in the past.
It is now very clear to me how your individual ‘energy’ can affect a situation and how to deal with it.
How to talk to others and not get pi**ed off so much.
Looking through the past at what people have said and seeing the deeper meaning.
Alternative ways of making your point.
The part about self-faith I found really interesting and not to stick at a job for the sake of it.
That I can use the ‘stuck record method’. Things said in theatre aren’t personal
Interesting how people interact with you because of themselves and what they’re going through rather than what they’re going through rather than what you’re doing and how good or bad you are at your job.
Power dynamics between strands specially director/actor dynamic.
Looking assertive can just change how people see you.
Understanding myself and how phrasing some stuff differently can help!
I feel I can relate to pretty much everything you have said. Particularly regarding issues faced as a woman which is not often brought up but it SHOULD.
Talking about why people may act a certain way – because they are insecure etc. I realised that I do this things sometimes for the same reason.
How word choices like ‘but’ and ‘sorry’ can change what people take from what you say.
Themes of people – have come across many people with the theme of entitlement.
Value yourself don’t be a doormat.
When you spoke about self love and how your view of yourself effects how others view you.