
It’s sad Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are getting divorced. I don’t know them, but it always struck me as a fairy tale kind of coupling. Now they are having a ‘conscious uncoupling’…. A what!
I think the spiritual viewpoint, is something more people should do during the relationship and at point of break up. My interpretation is ‘we are going to be kind to each other whilst getting divorced’. Kindness is key!

I’m sure it’s easier to me kind when the uncoupling doesn’t have financial limitations such as, one partner not being able to move out because they can’t afford to run two homes now they have kids. Money aside it’s a good idea to be kind.

What I question is wording ‘conscious uncoupling’!

I have had some ‘unconscious coupling’ often involving wine, pheromones and a dance floor!

The problem is the media will feel this has come from Gwyneth’s spiritual gurus in LA. Watch now how she will be made out to be the one at fault in this divorce!

Wording is important when it comes to spirituality, because making up words, means that it makes spiritual thought confusing and unobtainable. Interestingly it’s the ego that likes to puff up spirituality to the guru at the top of the hill. Having interviewed many spiritual speakers, some (not all), have a lot of words that sound lovely, but don’t in fact make a meaningful sentence. You then have an ‘Emperor’s new clothes problem’ you feel you’re the idiot for not understanding what they said. So smiling, nodding and saying ‘wow that’s SOOO interesting’ is your only get out. When broken down, it’s just a reframing of an old spiritual truth that has been around for years, now rebranded!

Many spiritual people even give themselves a new name, often sounding like they have come off an episode of Star Trek. That name is then presented ‘I was given this name in a meditation’.

Even a higher consciousness has to have a cracking sense of humour and I’m sure I’d be called Zumerwingwomb the 3rd!

Is ‘conscious uncoupling’ a rebrand for kindness? I’d love your thoughts!