Performers can strengthen your immune system! You know what I’m talking about. It’s when you have been at a live performance and you can feel a shift happening inside you. The music shifts our emotions, allows us to become unstuck. Some of the best meditations I have ever had have been watching the lights at a concert. I followed a career as stage manager and lighting tech for 15 years to be part of a team that created a shift in an audience. I fell into musicals and sometimes I would cry with joy in the wings because I could feel the transformation happening in the audience.
That career for me is what’s known as a ‘shadow career’ (no lighting tech pun intended). A shadow career is when you do something close to the work you’d love to do because you haven’t got the gut to do the work you’d love. The work I really wanted was to BE the catalyst for transformation, not the support act. I’m happy to say I found my place on the stage, and thank goodness for everyone it wasn’t singing! I specialise in working with performers as I know exactly what it is to be one and how to remove the blocks to greatness I once had myself.