Anything Goes with Becky Walsh – from the get go with a name like that, you know you’re in for some eye-popping late night TV.
Why would I want to do that, a spiritual thinker who has authored books and has a passion for neuroscience and psychology? Well there are multiple sides to every person and under the alter ego Rebecca Stone I also wrote an erotic fiction book, so I’m not afraid to talk about sex.
I’m not making shocking TV to shock, I’m making it as that’s the way I’m going to get some powerful messages into mainstream media in the UK.
Each show is lead by the calls, tweets, emails and voice mails that come into the show. Anything goes that the audience want to talk about, I’m guided by them.
I’m going to introduce themes of challenges that face us today. I know about these from over ten years of working with clients and from my previous show on LBC radio.
It’s going to be quirky, funny, off the cuff and upbeat. It’s all about solutions, ideas and positive change, rather than agony aunt sympathy.
I have been really clear with the production company that the people who call in are never taken advantage of and everyone who takes part in the show is to be highly respected. We are all in agreement on that.
You can find this content on YouTube, but you have to know what you’re searching for, and it’s not interactive; this is, you can ask anything in real time, it’s LIVE.
If I can plant one insight into a the mind of a channel flicker that leads to a personal inquiry or life change, it’s worth it.
This is a small step towards what we have been waiting for in the UK – positive, life changing media that talks about what YOU want to talk about, instead of peddling fear. This is the antidote to Jeremy Kyle. I will stick my head out and stand up for this much needed change.
Wake up and smell the coffee TV.
Change the world TV – bringing spiritual thinking into mainstream media, talking sexual content without flinching and giving informed education to wake up consciousness. I might just have been born for this! Are you ready? #CallBecky