Meggan Watterson is asking you to reveal your soul, in fact in her book Reveal she calls you to it, demands it of you. Beautifully, poetically and poignantly she reveals her own story of fear and anxiety. Her journey to freedom was not to control or change her external world, but to become even more vulnerable by removing the vales we as women have developed that separate us from remembering our divine soul. Like walking into a relaxation centre that you have been to many times, and the mere smell of the space makes your body relax even before you’re on the massage couch, this book made me feel really calm and chilled out simply by reading it.
Reveal is a page turner and I found I skipped though it. Within every of the seven veils Watterson talks about removing I thought of a female friend I would love to give this book to. The write up for this book is a little too fluffy for my taste, so if your more of a ballsy bird, do not be put off by the tone of the blurb, this book isn’t talking to a defensive ego, it slips in unnoticed right into your very soul. A must read for all women.

Reveal: A Sacred Manual for Getting Spiritually Naked on Amazon