If I was to nail down one underlining reason clients come to see it’s to answer a question they don’t even know they are asking ‘how can I be loved?’ Loveability shows you how to feel love-able. 
Holden explains that loving yourself is not purely about self-acceptance but understanding that you are love, love is your nature. Self-love is about identifying yourself with love. Anyone who has read self-help books or stuck their nose into a course in miracles might be aware of the idea that we have two sides of ourselves: the ego and our loving divine self. I have always been fully behind this in my head, but also I had a mixed mind about it. How can I love humanity with all of the terrible things humans do, therefore as a human, how can I love myself when I know I have that nature in me too? I listened to the audio of Loveability whilst on a few long car journeys. I like Robert’s voice and there is a feeling in how he speaks that he is talking just to you. I caught myself answering a few times, but don’t tell anyone! About three days after finishing the audio book, about 3.30am I woke up and something had clicked. I can’t even put it into words all I can tell you is my understanding of what it is to be loveable and to love others, moved from a head based concept and into my heart. Days have passed now and I keep checking in with myself, and no I’m still not sweating the small stuff, and no I am not nagging myself, I am more in the moment. Holden has put into words something I now see to be un-wordable (If he can make up words so can I) . This book opens you into a personal inquiry which just might be the final dot you were looking for in the picture of your own loveablity it was for me. http://www.hayhouse.co.uk/cds/1781800642/loveability
Loveability: Knowing How to Love and Be Loved on Amazon